Student Spotlight

Trevor Gile
TREVOR GILE Trevor has gone beyond expectations scoring an advanced on his algebra Keystone exam. Trevor is a friendly and pleasant student who thinks outside the box. He has a bright future.
Hattie Hillyard
HATTIE HILLYARD Hattie is the definition of respectful and responsible. She is a natural leader. Hattie always has a smile on her face, and her humor is a welcome addition to each day!
Jazlynn Monroe
JAZLYNN MONROE Jazlynn is off to a great start. She displays ROAR behaviors in and out of the classroom. She is kind, caring, helpful, and respectful.
Duncan Weaver
DUNCAN WEAVER Duncan has started this year off with such great enthusiasm. He is being continuous about his assignments, working hard at keeping his grades up. He has been a positive attribute to other students.
Rowan Campbell
ROWAN CAMPBELL Rowan is such a hard worker. She is kind to others and very helpful. Rowan is willing to do anything asked of her and follows our ROAR rules daily. She has a very positive attitude and tries her best.
Matthew Zur
MATTHEW ZUR Matthew is involved in Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Student Council, and Drama Club. Matthew is always willing to help his teachers and classmates. He works hard in his academics and shows school spirit!
Destin Gail
DESTIN GAIL Destin is an outstanding 6th-grade student. He models a positive attitude and strives to go above and beyond to help others.
Lillian Grant
LILLIAN GRANT Lillian is exceptional academically and behaviorally. She completes every assignment on time and thoroughly. She is a model student!
Nicole Clinton
NICOLE CLINTON Nicole consistently turns in good quality work. She is on task and respectful in class. She offers to help her peers and always has a great attitude!
Lacey Lazorchak
LACEY LAZORCHAK Lacey always has a smile on her face! She is a good friend to the other students. lacey is respectful to her teacher and others and she completes all tasks that are asked.
Dylan Kreiser
DYLAN KREISER Dylan tackles any assignment with a smile on his face. He is always trying his best and works hard. He is working on a project creating a red light using our Hummingbird coding kits.
Eve Cole
EVE COLE Eve was selected for her meritorious determination and consistent achievement.
Ethan Wittekind
ETHAN WITTEKIND Ethan was selected for his meritorious determination and consistent achievement.
Erica Perkins
ERICA PERKINS Erica was selected for her meritorious determination and consistent achievement.
Andaya Fuhrer
ANDAYA FUHRER Andaya exhibits all ROAR behaviors. She works hard to get all her work done. Her work is neat and she is a very good artist!
Mashell Malaczewski
MASHELL MALACZEWSKI Mashell has an excellent attitude. She wants to do well at all times.
Makenna Schott
MAKENNA SCHOTT Makenna is a hard-working and conscientious student. She recently was a student ambassador for a new student and was so thoughtful and attentive to his needs.
Zylia Johnson
ZYLIA JOHNSON Zylia has a great work ethic. She always completes her work and participates in class. Zylia is a great example of Student of the Month!
Remington Rung
REMINGTON RUNG Remington is like nitroglycerine, Remi is a small package with extraordinary drive, pop, and pizzazz that is sure to get the job done with a clear target of excellence as his goal regardless of the task at hand.
Peyton Leuters
PEYTON LEUTERS Peyton has demonstrated outstanding commitment, dedication, and leadership. She embodies the core principles of athleticism, teamwork, and character, making a significant impact within our school environment.
Aiden Werts
AIDEN WERTS Aiden is a 5th grade student who is always kind, considerate, and caring. He works hard and is dedicated to his education. Aiden sets a good example of how students should be in class.
Zach Gingrich
ZACHARY GINGRICH Zach is a senior and is taking advanced science classes in which he excels. He grasps concepts quickly and can be counted on to offer solutions. Zach is a joy to have in class!
Zoey Lazorchak
ZOEY LAZORCHAK Zoey has a fantastic attitude every day. She has a love for learning! She exemplifies ROAR and more!
Nicolas Zimmerman
NICOLAS ZIMMERMAN Nicolas was chosen because of his work ethic and eagerness to learn.
Karleigh Smith
KARLEIGH SMITH Karleigh is an outstanding student and an excellent role model, she is involved in many things and can do all of them extremely well because she consistently gives 100%!
Paisley Swartz
PAISLEY SWARTZ Paisley is a kind, caring, and hardworking student. Her kindness and respect towards her peers and teachers is heartwarming. She is truly a bright star in her 1st-grade classroom
Garrison Hillyard
GARRISON HILLYARD Garrison always has a polite and positive attitude. He is willing to do anything asked of him and does it with a smile.
Greyson Hillyard
GREYSON HILLYARD Greyson goes out of his way for others. He is always willing to help with a request from a teacher or friend. His wonderful sense of humor and kind personality make him a joy to be around!